Senin, 30 Juli 2012

English Speech Text: Indonesian Freedom Proclamation

 Another tips kalau kita mau ikutan lomba pidato, apalagi pidato bahasa inggris. Pertama, kita harus percaya diri dan bisa ngomong bahasa inggris dengan bagus. Selain pronounciation atau pengejaan, kita juga harus menyampaikan pidato dengan intonasi yang bagus. Yang penting intonasinya jangan kaya orang hafalan atau membaca. Tapi coba lihat ustadz, presiden, atau MC yang biasanya pidato atau ceramah. Berlatih dari sana, coba meniru gaya favorit kamu. Dan untuk sementara meninggalkan logat asli kita.
Selain pengucapan dan intonasi yang baik, kita juga harus memiliki suara yang keras dan lantang. Kalau gak keras, gimana orang lain bisa mendengar pidato kita, ya kan? Materi bagus, ngomong enak, tapi ga kedengeran…
Berikut ini teks pidato bahasa inggris bertemakan kemerdekaan Indonesia, just check it out. Semoga menginspirasi anda.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable juries and audience.
First of all, let’s say just a moment that we thanks to God for his presence, so we are all allowable to assemble on this moment to attend Indonesian Republic Day Anniversary.

Honorable juries and audience.
August 17th 1945, Sukarno-Hatta have proclamated our independence. Since that, we are free from the Dutch colonial. We are free to  determine our fate without intervention and pressure from the other country colonialism. So, we must thanks too God because of God, we can get freedom. After our heroes have worked hard to fight the other country colonialism. They were willing to sacrifice, they were willing to die, they were not afraid to fight the colonial.

Honorable juries and audience.
As the young generation who can get freedom without fight the colonial, we must keep our country. We must fight the drugs, corruptor, crime, gambling, and all the bad activities in our beloved country. We must keep our country always peace, safe and free from negative things.

Honorable juries and audience.
As good students, we must be able to continue our heroes struggling by filling the independence with positive activities. We must study hard, we must work hard, we must do our duties, and we must apply our knowledge. We have to keep our moral value as an eastern nation. We must dare to compete with other countries in the field of technology even every field.

Finally, let’s hope that Indonesia would be better than the other countries. Let’s hope that Indonesia has a high developing in every field. Long live Indonesia!

I think that’s all. Thanks for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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