Kebiasaan baru di SMK saya tahun
terakhir saya bersekolah, yaitu pidato berbagai bahasa yang disampaikan oleh
murid-murid setelah upacara bendera. Ada yang
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia,
bahasa Arab, Inggris, Jawa, mandarin, dll. Saat itu saya ditunjuk untuk menyampaikan
pidato berbahasa inggris. Persiapan beberapa hari dengan materi yang harus saya
tulis sendiri dan berbagai tugas yang harus diselesaikan membuat saya
bingung. Curcol, hhehe. Saya mencari beberapa materi dari internet dan tetap
membuat sendiri sesuai dengan pemikiran saya.
Nah, kalau misalnya kita tidak
punya cukup waktu untuk menghafal teks pidato kita lebih baik membawa catatan
saat kita menyampaikan pidato. Kalau-kalau lupa, kita bisa melihat catatan dan
kembali meneruskan pidato. Daripada diam membeku atau mematung di atas mimbar,
Saat itu saja, saya masih merasa
berkeringat dingin dan deg-degan sekali. Biasanya kan kalau lomba pidato hanya di dalam
ruangan dengan juri dan sedikit audiens, tapi ini dilihat satu sekolahan. Guru,
kepsek, teman-teman, adik kelas, pokoknya seluruh penghuni sekolah yang ada di
lapangan, huff… Untunglah, saya berhasil berpidato walaupun ada yang sedikit
kelupaan. Tapi tetap tidak merusak pidato dan excellent kalau Miss Ida (guru
b.Ingg saya) bilang.
Sebenarnya, hal seperti itu
adalah kesempatan buat kita menunjukkan kemampuan kita. Bukannya sok pamer atau
apa, hanya agar kita bisa membuktikan pada dunia kalau kita bisa. Ahhay.
Berikut ini teks pidato saya
waktu itu…
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning… The honorable
headmaster, my honorable teachers and all staff of SMKN 3 Jepara. And also all
my beloved friends…
First of all, let’s say thanks to
God that has given us his mercy and health. So, we can get together on this
nice occasion on this beautiful morning.
Secondly, I would like to thanks
to you all and my teachers for this opportunity for letting me deliver my
speech here.
Now, let me introduce myself. I
am Noviana from twelve TKJ2. I’m here to deliver my speech about discipline.
Why discipline? Because, it is
one of important thing we must have to be success person. To be a good student.
We know that SMKN 3 Jepara has made some new rules. With score or point for any
violation. And we’ll get sanction or punishment if we complete some score. So,
don’t try to make some problem. Obey the rule and respect the authority. Be
discipline and diligent and we’ll be great student.
I believe that students of SMKN 3
Jepara are all good student. But, one of the serious problems in here is about
come late. Many students still come late although the rule give hard sanction.
I know, maybe some of them unlucky, or it’s just become a habitual. They can
make many reasons. And it’s so easy to make some reason to late. So, as a good
student we have to solve this problem. How to not come late. So, we can remove
this late habitual. Because it isn’t good. Our teacher would not teach some
lesson again for late student. So, get up early morning, prepare your self and
your stuff, go to school and get into the classroom as soon as possible. But if
you late, just accept your destiny, take the permission letter, received the
punishment and get into the class. Don’t ever truancy. Better late than never.
Beside discipline, a good student
must be diligent and responsible. Not only in school, house, but everywhere and
every time. Discipline in manner, clothing and everything because, young is the
time to shape manners.
Discipline and respect for
authority maybe unfashionable concept. But, let’s not be afraid to use that.
Because in the end, what matter is the future of us.
Finally, let’s be discipline and
be a good student. Do the best and God do the rest.
That’s all, please forgive my
mistaken and thanks for your attention. I hope it useful.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
membantu banget kak... ^^
BalasHapusThankyou gozaimasu...
Origato gojaimas